How Accurate is eyewitness memory? Part 2

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:31 am
by brian
June 3, 2010: This is an extension of prior topic How Accurate is eyewitness memory. Please see that other topic. We start a part 2 to keep the responses manageable.
In the May 2010 Smithsonian magazine is an article by Greg Miller Making Memories-Does your memory play tricks on you? New research may explain why.
An interesting article which includes reference to the classic experiment by Elizabeth Loftus related to witnesses to a staged car crash in which she found the eyewitnesses could be easily led to misremember crucial details. For the full 1974 report see
Reconstruction of Automobile Destruction : An Example of the Interaction Between Language and Memory by ELIZABETH F. LOFTUASN D JOHN C. PALMER, University of Washington