Important notes on POSTING

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:11 pm
by MSI
Please note: You need to be registered and logged in to post or respond to a thread.
Registration is EASY. SImply click the registration link and it will ask for your email address and voila! You are registered! (the forum will email us and we will have to validate your registration which normally is instantaneous or within an hour or two)
Your email will NOT be used for anything other than verification that you exist! (Forums which allow anonymous postings run into issues with spam, ads, profanity, etc.)
Registration insures the postings to this forum will be legit!
We would also suggest before clicking POST you select all of your post text and right click and COPY it to the buffer.
On rare occasion when you click POST the forum asks you to log in again and somehow the POST gets lost!
If you copy it into the buffer then you can simply paste it in another Post/Reply.
Another option we might suggest is to type up your reponse in a word processor or text editor (with spellcheck!) and then edit copy/edit paste it into the POST.
We apologize for this behavior and are working to remedy it.

Re: Important notes on POSTING

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:04 pm
by MSI
Embedding links:
want your posts to include embedded links? The following is culled from the phpBB support documentation!:
lets say you have a link.
generally it will act as a hyperlink and/or you can be sure by higlighting the link and selecting the URL button above.
But if you'd like the link to flow with the text, then do the following:
Write a descriptive text message, like McHenry Website
and before the descriptive text message enter in Brackets [] url=... as follows
' (i've added a quote to prevent it from ... enter [b]'[/b]
so it should look like this in text
'McHenry Website[/url']
and then when you take off the 'quotes' (I only put them there so the link wouldn't light up) you get the following:
[url=http://www.mchenrysoftware.com]McHenry Website


Re: Important notes on POSTING

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:32 pm
by MSI
Nov 2012: Some folks have asked about registering.
Please see How to register 2012
i repeat the contents here:
  • April 2012: Due to the large number of 'SPAM' attempts on our site, we no longer allow online registration. Tired of deleting bot type registration attempts.
    • To Register:
      • Simply send an email to forum@mchenrysoftware.com with your name and requested name and password.
        we should respond within 24 hours if not sooner.
    You can also simply send your questions and comments to forum@mchenrysoftware.com
    Thank you!