"Wildman' does a Spiral Jump!

News, notes, questions on the McHenry invented James Bond Astro Spiral Jump Stunt
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"Wildman' does a Spiral Jump!

Post by brian »

Nov 2013: Those crazy wild men and their flying machines!
Right along the same lines of Drydek and Hotwheels others doing 'seat of the pants' versions of the Spiral Jump 360 degree barrell roll stunt, now comes the 'Wildman'': we must say: GREAT JOB! Looks good!

From the link:
  • "Adrian Cenni is known as “The Wildman,” and you can see why when you watch the video of the racecar driver doing a 360-degree barrel roll in front of a live audience in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. The stunt, said to be the first-ever done with a truck, was performed Thursday afternoon in a wash just off the start line of this week’s 2013 SCORE International Baja 1000
    Cenni said the planning for the daring jump spanned a couple of years with many ups and downs and lots of trial and error before he finally figured out how to successfully complete the barrel roll.
    “The whole idea was, you got to get the truck weightless just for that fraction of a second and then you can start the rotation,” he said in a preview video. “So it’s actually one jump into a second jump. And that’s the key; it’s not just one jump, it’s two jumps. It’s two jumps that are going to get you around quicker.”
See the video:
Wildman 360 barrel roll in a truck

Here are the other links on our site about the McHenry Spiral Jump:
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