Motorcycle Crash Which Spun the Vehicle 180 Degrees

Question on 3D Simulation/msmac3D/HVOSM and other 3D Simulation models
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Motorcycle Crash Which Spun the Vehicle 180 Degrees

Post by MSI »

Couple NAPARS Facebbook Posts and i decided to do a quick illustration of what speed required for a motorcycle to spin a vehicle and what was the PDOF of the vehicle being spun.
Some Background on the crash: So ran a sample (not knowing the actual make/model/year/weights simply used a 700 lb bike into a 3200 lb vehicle)
Here's a sequential display:
sequentiaal lateral.png
sequentiaal lateral.png (188.89 KiB) Viewed 14643 times
Here is a graph of the Car acceleration
  • at the CG(in blue)and
  • at the area of contact(x=-50", y=-30") (in Red)
Note the dramatic difference in Accelerations
V1 Accel.png
V1 Accel.png (52.2 KiB) Viewed 14553 times
This is the PDOF at both locations:
  • for the Center of Gravity (in Blue) and
  • near the area struck on the vehicle (X=-50", Y=-30") (in Red):
V1 PDOF.png
V1 PDOF.png (44.4 KiB) Viewed 14553 times
Below is a summary of the impact Speed Change
  • Top is for the CG
  • Bottom has side by side comparison of DeltaV and Accelerations at CG and area of collision
    • Left side Veh1 (car) Right side Veh2 (Motorcycle)
deltaV CG v collision area.png
deltaV CG v collision area.png (55.52 KiB) Viewed 14607 times
Speed & Angular Velocity v Time:
speed angular velocity v time.png
speed angular velocity v time.png (59.41 KiB) Viewed 14553 times
Photographs from the article on the crash:
MC CRash.png
MC CRash.png (705.67 KiB) Viewed 14607 times

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