How to DIsplay/Print a Scaled Side or Top View of a 3DModel?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:19 pm
by MSI
In 3D graphics there are a few tools which will help you display a scaled side/front or top view
set to wire-form, added grid in 1 foot increments, see below for HOWTO:
side top view.jpg
first i suggest you clone your project and eliminate or move out of view other vehicles and the roadway (so only plain color background)
Then add a plain color background and set the color:
select ground plain color.jpg
then change color of plain background and sky:
change color of plain background.jpg
change sky/zero plane/etc color (in example i set all to white)
set sky color.jpg
menu to change lighting to brighten:
set light to brighten vehicle display.jpg
Using side and (top/bottom arrows) and lence (field of view) to zoom/show:
set side view and field of view.jpg
BTW if veh get lost/out of sight, use select veh menu to adjust position and bring into view:
select veh opt 2.jpg
Once you select a vehicle, use vehicle position icon to move into view:
set veh position.jpg
Optionally add/Set grid size and x y or z grid:
set grid.jpg
and here's to set wireframe view:
set wireframe view.jpg