What is MU?

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What is MU?

Post by MSI »

On a recent zoom meeting many were using the term MU and so realized we hadn't added a 'What is' topic on it.
Q: What is MU?

A: MU is a term used for the coefficient of Friction.
Now you may ask:
What is the coefficient of Friction?
  • The coefficient of friction (fr) is a number that is the ratio of the resistive force of friction (Fr) divided by the normal or perpendicular force (N) pushing the objects together. It is represented by the equation: fr = Fr/N.
This diagram also explains it:
what is MU.png
what is MU.png (92.05 KiB) Viewed 12156 times
IN the field of crash reconstruction we use MU frequently and here are a few threads with discussions of values for MU for various situations: