What is an Typical Driver?

Q&A related to Driver Factors in Crash Reconstruction
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What is an Typical Driver?

Post by brian »

Q: What is an Typical Driver?
A: A good starting point comes from a 1974 study In that study the Average driver was defined as follows:
  • Under familiar route conditions, the average driver utilizes maximum lateral accelerations of about. 3g in the speed range of 25 - 40 mph.
  • Under near-optimum operating conditions.
    • route familiarity.
    • no other moving vehicles in the area,
    • no solid roadside obstacles.
    The average driver is willing to utilize maximum lateral accelerations of about .4g in the speed range of 25 - 40 mph.
  • Assuming normal distributions, less than 20% of all drivers will exceed the above values by as much as.1g.
  • The average driver is willing to utilize full tractive acceleration capabilities of a vehicle and full braking capabilities of his vehicle in straight line paths.
  • A substantial percentage of drivers cannot satisfactorily control their vehicle under relatively mild skid - inducing situations.
See the Executive Summary from the Calspan report.
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