- Here's the instructions for installation: V3.20 Update & Full Installation Instructions
- Note you'll need your login name/password, if you've forgotten please let us know and we'll send you a new one.
Also look for the update announcement email which should be sent shortly.
Please let us know if you don't receive it (and check your junk mail folder?)!
- Overview of all msmac3D & 3D graphics functions
- Quickly Making multiple view movies
- Using 3D Vehicle Shape for SMAC Simulations
- Use vehicle 3D shape (instead of a rectangle!) for contact detection and interaction
NOTE: the below graphics have a dashed white line vehicle outline display which is optional and for illustration purposes only
- Use vehicle 3D shape (instead of a rectangle!) for contact detection and interaction
NOTE: the below graphics have a dashed white line vehicle outline display which is optional and for illustration purposes only
- Wheel Breakage Simulation
- New Instruction Video Created and new project will be included in the update Path Follower template
- New Video:Wheel Breakage Simulation
- Adding a HOWTO and sample project to demonstrate how to simulating wheel separation from a vehicle and the ensuing undercarriage contact
- Reminds us we also have the ability to simulate the wheel/suspension deformation just haven't activated it yet, will do so soon!
- New Instruction Video Created and new project will be included in the update Path Follower template
- PATH Follower Option :
- New Instruction Video Created and new project will be included in the update Path Follower template
- New! 2021 Mar: Path Follower Instructional video
- Fast easy way to get a vehicle to follow a roadway, make a corner, make a lane change
- We recommend using path follower/driver model to determine steer required and then manually input the steer
- We now automatically create the inputs so you can remove the driver model path follower and simply have steer you can then adjust
- New Instruction Video Created and new project will be included in the update Path Follower template
- Automatic Iteration/Optimization
- We recommend you use the automatic iteration/optimization to improve the correlation of your results with the evidence
- Then simply use the BOS results and no need to reference to even mention using optimization!
- We've made several improvements based on your comments/questions, THANK YOU!
- It is now easier to load and use Best Of Show (BOS) results!
- Results are output in the same units as your inputs (used ot output in original units)
- We've disabled many of the 'not used anymore/research only options to reduce confusion
- We will remove them after some more testing to be sure not needed (many help us come up with refinements to the logic, etc during testing)
- We've changed the temporary storage file name to reduce confusion
- When the iteration/optimization file runs it stores intermediate results, etc in FILENAME_smaciter2015.si5
- The use of an si5 file suffix created confusion as these files were then picked up and listed in the project file
- They are NOT smac input files (si5) so caused confusion!
- We've changed the file name suffix so NOT included in project files
- NOTE: Any and all files with _smaciter2015.si5 on the end can be deleted
- These files are generated when you run the iteration/optimization option so no need for them to be in the project directory etc
- We expect to post up an NEW Instructional video on smaciter/optimization very soon
- VRML support!
- The following image is a sample vrml project with sequential exposure of simulation positions!
- The following image is a sample vrml project with sequential exposure of simulation positions!
- Note you'll need your login name/password, if you've forgotten please let us know and we'll send you a new one.
msmac3D ver 3.20 Now Avalable. Here's Update Information
msmac3D ver 3.20 Now Avalable. Here's Update Information
Below are a few of the additions/enhancements, many more in the update.
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(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
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(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Re: msmac3D ver 3.20 update notes
An additional feature: (adding to the list of new features in version 3.20, more to be listed soon!)
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Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Re: msmac3D ver 3.20 update notes
added link to new path follower instructional video to list above
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Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Re: msmac3D ver 3.20 update notes
added additional links and more HOWTO videos being prepared
version 3.20 release coming soon!
version 3.20 release coming soon!
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Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Re: msmac3D ver 3.20 update notes
A few additional items we've added in response to your requests:
- We've added a save button to the Project menu
- so now when setting up a new project click save to save yoru work so if any issues encountered you have the project saved
(prior versions required to exit before the project was saved)
- so now when setting up a new project click save to save yoru work so if any issues encountered you have the project saved
- The Tracking camera icon will now change to indicate when tracking camera is ON/OFF
- Sometimes you forget you have the program in Trackign Camera and so this now is an indication
Also you can change the camera selection by the lower left icon within the Trackign Camera Icon
- Sometimes you forget you have the program in Trackign Camera and so this now is an indication
- Now in 3D graphics the Help About also indicates the expiration date for the license and the version number
- In msmac3D we've also now added to the Summary page in addition to the DeltaV Total we now list the X & Y components
- This will provide a direct comparison to EDR DeltaV measurements
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Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Re: msmac3D ver 3.20 update notes
The set vehicle specifications dialog has been enhanced:
you now can
you now can
- Set the vehicle cargo/passenger weight separately and it retains your value so you know your curb weight
- Recalculate the Moment of Inertia with the click of a button when you change the weight
- recalculate the cornering stifffness of the vehicle to achieve neutral steer (0.0), understeer (>0.0) or oversteer (<0.0)
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Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.