May 2021: Another bit of trivia related to that stunt for the movie:
Just now speaking with Raymond R McHenry, the inventor of the stunt, and he said:
Originally a lot of time and energy was spent by Ray with HVOSM (now known as msmac3D) redesigning the stunt for the Bond movie for a Lincoln DeTomaso Pantera...
Lincoln de Tomaso Pantera.png (91.95 KiB) Viewed 12369 times
a much more appropriate Bond car
Realize back in the 70s Ray did all computing on an IBM 360/370 mainframe computer where it cost users for EVERY simulation run CPU and memory charges
Input for the simulations was through IBM punch cards...
we've come a long way since then!
See Why develop for the PC for some historical perspective on computers, costs, etc 'back in the day'