Photogrammetry transformation matrix?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:17 am
by MSI
The fundamental principle used by photogrammetry is that through "known" distances into and across a photograph, you can traingulate to determine "unknown" distances in a photograph.
Check out Northwestern and look for 'Perspective Grid for Photographic Mapping of Evidence' it touches on the topic.
Since then a plethora of papers have been written on photogrammetry.

GM at one point sold a program associated with the process related to SAE 86-1416 "Photogrammetic Analysis Using the Personal Computer" by Brelin, etc

There was a review of six different methods in SAE 940925 "Photogrammetry and Accident Reconstruction: Experimental Results" by Tumbus, etc. Available from SAE. http://www.sae.org. [http://www.sae.org/technical/papers/940925]

Since then a number of software vendors market these tools (photomodeler[http://www.photomodeler.com], pc-rect[http://pc-crash.com/product_pcrect.php], etc.)

Bottom line is if you have 4 reference points in a photo, go back to the Northwestern procedure which simply requires tracing paper and a ruler and creating a rectangle from the know dimensions and expanding or dividing that rectangle (carefully and accurately!) to determine the location your items of interest relative to the baseline measurements.