Stanley McHenry, retired police officer, child safety expert

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Stanley McHenry, retired police officer, child safety expert

Post by MSI »

My brother Stan McHenry has been in this business for 30+ years and now in retirement and working teaching child safety he has been posting on related topics.
So added a little background on Stan i can link to when he posts up.

Stanley K. McHenry
  • is a retired Durham, NC police officer after 30 years service.
    • He spent 20 of his 30 years assigned to the Department TACT Unit
      • TACT is a specialized traffic enforcement unit with crash investigation and when necessary, crash reconstruction responsibilities for serious and fatal crashes.
  • He worked part-time for McHenry Consultants, Inc.
    • With Ray and me for 20+ years assisting us with crash investigations as well as trial and technical exhibit and scene diagrams.
  • He is currently also a Safe Kids Worldwide Nationally certified child passenger safety technician instructor
  • He has also been a frequent announcer for the JM Production Demolition Derbies (apparently not this year, their loss)
    • Stan is a gifted announcer as he also does work with the main fundraising charitable event for the Frankie Lemmon Foundation
    • He also used announce for JM Productions back in the 70s when they did the touring daredevil stunt show which included the Astro Spiral Jump.
      spiral jump Houston.jpg
      spiral jump Houston.jpg (37.56 KiB) Viewed 11545 times
    Stan can be contacted at
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