Check Ground surfaces for active/hidden/etc.

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Check Ground surfaces for active/hidden/etc.

Post by MSI »

Sometimes with our ability to have multiple terrains and/or our new way to create projects which automatically clones a prior project,
you may have what appears to be a problem with a simulation interaction with the ground surface. With multiple grounds you can turn them on/off/etc
  • Also, the hierarchy of the ground terrain logic is that the highest numbered ground surface takes precedent
First item to check is how many grounds you have in your project?
  • simply click on the visible ground and walk through the grounds (turning them on/off for best visibility)
    1. lists how many ground surfaces
    2. as you walk though you can see if visible and/or turn on/off with this button
      • and note the higher numbered ground surfaces take precedence.
    3. you can delete a ground simply clicking item 3
      • however, it is easiest to turn off a ground FIRST to test if you want/need it since once deleted you will have to reload
    Ground items.jpg
    Ground items.jpg (33.1 KiB) Viewed 1916 times
Another way to check/enable/disable grounds is through the Ground icon on the upper bar
  1. Select the Ground icon on the upper bar
  2. Select the Ground surfaces list icon, which brings up the
  3. Ground Mesh and Surfaces list where you can turn on/off grounds
Ground surfaces list.jpg
Ground surfaces list.jpg (75.09 KiB) Viewed 1915 times
One last note: if you are running in 2D and simply using 3D Graphics, be sure you select/click on each vehicle
and on the dialog to the right select the 'Follow Terrain for 2D' option
follow terrain for 2D.jpg
follow terrain for 2D.jpg (31.08 KiB) Viewed 1922 times
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