Book Review: Killed by a Traffic Engineer

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Book Review: Killed by a Traffic Engineer

Post by MSI »

Rename was New Safety Paradigm, but since review of book below, thought i'd rename it!

In recent years have seen many posting about about a 'New Safety Paradigm' for highway safety which mainly tries to reduce or remove ANY fault of distracted, speeding, drunk drivers and put most of the fault onto the USA highway system design.
  • As if one might be able to design a highway system which can accommodate speeding, distracted, drunk and other careless driver types.
  • To put it another way: They think the design of highways in the USA has been haphazard and mainly focused on speed, volume and without consideration of pedestrians, bikes and mass transit.
I once again came across the 'New Paradigm' in a Linkedin Post which i then posted up and called The 'New Paradigm' appears to fault the USA bad numbers when compared to 'deaths per capita' due to bad highway design.
  • I posted that i believe 'death per capita' skews the numbers to areas with lower legal drivers and more mass transit.
Lowering any and ALL traffic crashes is a great goal!
  • However goals are achieved by working within the present system, not trashing it and thinking you can somehow start fresh and new without any concern about budget and other concerns.
    • They find fault with
      • Lane widths
        • They say studies show if you make them less width you reduce speed and/or placing speed limiters on roads
      • Interstate Highways through city centers
        • They say these were intentionally designed to destroy low economic areas in cities by running highways through them
      • Lack of mass transit
        • In the USA lack of convenient mass transit leads to folks driving everywhere! Yes true. However you can't magically implement new mass transit without a lot of money and inconvenience for the currently driving public
As part of the original posting they mentioned 2 items for 'further reading' from which i have summarized parts in the statements above. So i obtained them, have read them and will post up a detailed review here at some point...
  • In the meantime here was a quick review i wrote:
Book Review: Killed by a Traffic Engineer
  • (originally posted to Amazon and some edits, additions, etc.)
I will go into much more detail on the many topics briefly covered in the book, but this somewhat sums it up:
  • Some interesting pieces and parts...however...a LOT of wasted pages and time to get through it!
    The author needed an editor...the author created a mess consisting of 12 topics, 88 chapters and 373 pages...(so approx 4 pages per chapter!) and each chapter starts with quotes from 50, 70 and 90 year old reports and books, and also some very silly descriptions of movie scenes to try make a point and then a simple point and
    • chapter over,
      only a few sentences of useful information and on to the next chapter!
    SIMPLIFY! Provide
    1. a historical summary/overview chapter,
    2. current state of the art chapter
    3. ideas for future improvements
    and then be done with it!
    • The painful meandering over and over with quotes from too many 50, 70 & 90 year old reports gets tiring…
    To get to his point skip to last few chapters and you’ll get the whole point of the book!
    His MAIN POINTS are:
    • transportation engineers need to prioritize safety in design which he thinks can be accomplished by first
      • focusing on the safety of pedestrians (both young and old),
      • focusing on the making bike and pedestrian pathways better and safer,
      • encouraging mass transit and
      • moving things closer to where folks live so there will be more walking, biking and busing/mass transit and less car car car travel.
    • But wait...which comes first? the improvement of safety in the roadway design or the movement of businesses closer to all living spaces
    I agree…folks in the US drive drive drive WAY too much…
    • pedestrian and bike safety is IMPORTANT
      • we need more utilization of mass transit to reduce vehicular traffic

Admirable points on reducing fatalities and injuries and crashes…
  • Where’s a chapter of NEW ideas and information (and please more than 4 pages) on topics:
    • HOW TO transform the current massive embedded system into homogeneous safe living and travelling spaces?
    • And MOST importantly, SHOW ME THE MONEY as in HOW do you finance all these changes?
I’ll give an A for effort by C for execution…get to the point!