SMAC - how can i get the source code?

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:57 am
by MSI
Q: Feb 2011: I have been studying software for simulation of vehicle collision in my doctoral dissertation at Mechanical Engineering. Therefore I kindly ask you to send me any version of you software. It does not have to be a professional version because I do not need it for professional work, but only for studying (demo version, trial version, beta version…). I guarantee that I will never misuse either your software or your trust.

A: We currently do not have a demo version of the software. However, an old version of SMAC**, as used by UMTRI (University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute) and then used by UC Berkley in their PATH research is avaialable in source code form.
I couldn't recall where i found it back in 2000, but here is a reference and some links: **Footnote: Others have stated that they market a 'Calspan ' 97 SMAC w/upgrades'. What they have is simply the 1970's version of SMAC as used in 1997/98 by University of California Berkely for research on PATH (see the referenced link above for more information on PATH)