How do I calculate CRASH Damage Analysis A & B coefficients?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:31 am
by MSI
Q: How do I calculate CRASH Damage Analysis A & B coefficients?
A: medit32 now includes a utility for the calculation of the CRASH damage analysis A,B coefficients for use with CRASH or other damage analysis programs.
The utility program is contained on Tools->Lsqft - A,B Coeff Calculator.
The inputs for the program are full-scale crash test results of the form:
  • 1) For b0,b1 fits, enter Crash test results in form: Residual Crush (in), Speed change (mph)
    2) For CRASH A,B coefficients calculated: Residual Crush (in), Speed change (mph), Test weight(lbs), Damage Width(in)
An optional no damage intercept (mph) is then input
Program assumptions:
  • Speed change is to point of common velocity,
    Single point Crush is average crush.
Program will calculate the natural and forced intercept b0,b1 fits.
If weight & width given, program will then calculate A,B CRASH coefficients.
A graphical display of results can then be displayed and printed
CAUTION: Use of a single crash test is discouraged due to variations in crash test results. Damage analysis accident reconstruction techniques should be viewed as a Tool. Damage analysis should be used in combination with other accident reconstruction Tools.