Questions on the msmac3D Release

General Questions, answers and information related to the release of the msmac3D program.
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Questions on the msmac3D Release

Post by MSI »

July 1, 2014: To supplement the information on msmac3D as questions come in from our current licensees considering msmac3D this post will contain Q& A's to help clarify the information on msmac3D.
  • If you have any questions on msmac3D please send to us at
    Also be sure to see: Q: When will there be training on msmac3d? I always feel more comfortable testifying when I can say I was "trained" in the use of the software. When can I take a course ?
    • A: We plan to add a training schedule for the late fall/early winter. We will post up some tentative dates in the next couple of months. We are designing msmac3D to be an easy and a seamless transition from msmac2D (or any smac2D program):
      • the input requirements for 3D are simple you can also customize ALL the 3D inputs (this allow folks to rerun inputs from other 3D programs for comparisons).
      However we understand folks want to gain additional knowledge on the basis, foundation and proper use of the program so will definitely have training classes in the near future.
    Q: Sounds interesting. It might be helpful to folks, like me, to have a greater understanding of:
    • 1) Program inputs
    • 2) Program outputs
    • 3) Animation / visualization fidelity. StudioMax /3ds models ?
    Specifically, is the full blown input deck similar to HVOSM ? You kind of alluded to that with “suspension data”.
    • A: Msmac3D currently works exactly like msmac2D. All you do is insert information on the Center of Gravity (CG) height, Overall Height (OH), and Bumper Height and then simply click run the same way you run msmac2D. Then you look at the results in 3D OR 2D. All our existing 2D graphics and animation program will work with the 3D program.
      If you have specifications for 3D, like the MVMA specifications for a particular vehicle or similar, which may contain suspension properties and stop/extension distances, etc., you can simply input the known values to override the defaults. You can change some, none or all of the HVOSM type inputs.
      No cumbersome need to insert All the inputs, they are automatically calculated for you and using our approximation techniques we are doing very well on validation. (We expect to complete publication of the approximation techniques and validations in upcoming scientific publications to be available shortly after release of the program)
      In summary:
      • Inputs:
        • The same as msmac2D except for 3D you will also have to provide the Center of Gravity (CG) height, Bumper height and overall vehicle height (OH). You can also change anything else.
      • Outputs:
        • The same as msmac2D outputs and same as 2 HVOSM simulations outputs. All in report form and comma delimited (CSV) output form. So you can chart variables v time, with our charting function or any spreadsheet program
      • Animation:
      We have started posting up sample graphics and will soon ad some ‘here’s how it all works’ short videos soon.
    Q: If I buy this software, do you send me by down load, like what we did the last few years?
    • A: Yes. all software will be transmitted electronically and DVD backups on request. We also plan on changing the licensing scheme for ALL our software to be web-based so you will no longer have to use a dongles. More on that in the next month or so.

    Q: I found copies of the four HVOSM manuals from February of 1976. PB 267 401, PB 267 402, PB 267 403,PB 267 404. I will be looking through these to develop an understanding of the program.
    • A: An important point: there is no complicated setup for 3D!
      The minimum you need is only bumper height, CG height and overall height.
      We do the rest.
      The manuals and inputs are only if you have specific values you want/need to change (like moments of inertia? Suspension properties? Etc)
      We automatically calculate the 3D inputs for you.
      Part of our validation process will be a demonstration of how the vehicle responses match full scale tests results with the automatic approximations. Also for a summary of research we have done an background on the HVOSM and msmac3D programs, see our publications:
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Re: Questions on the msmac3D Release

Post by MSI »

Q: Will the msmac2D/medit32 product remain supported and still be available for use? Also will the MSMACITER 2D be included with our current licenses for free or will there be an additional cost?
  • A: The msmac2D will still remain available and will benefit from some of the extensions and refinements of the msmac3D. For example we may offer the 3D graphics as a supplemental add-on to the msmac2D at some point.

    The automatic iteration (SMACITER) will also be an add-on for both msmac2D or msmac3D. We haven’t determined a pricing point yet. We are also considering making it a simple online option at some point (from medit32 (or whatever the environment morphs into) will send your msmac inputs dataset (either 2D or 3D) with evidence inputs (POR, POI and damage measurements) to our server and the program will iterate to get a match of the evidence. A tweaker on a ‘pre use’ basis or something like that.
    At the present time a lot of ideas floating in the air.
    And for all our current users you can expect some free updates to the damage analysis/crush coefficients (and extension of the LSQFIT program in the medit32 tools menu) For our presentation at NAPARS is all about damage analysis. So we’re cranking back up on damage analysis and will provide all our current users a free update/extension of that tool in the near future.
Thank you for your support of Mchenry Software.
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Re: Questions on the upcoming msmac3D Release

Post by MSI »

Q: You mentioned that only a couple additional input parameters would be required to go from 2D to 3D. That sounds easy enough, but what if you want to run a simulation with greater fidelity? How many inputs are there? Would you mind posting an example simulation to your website?
I would be most interested in:
  • 1. Screen shots of the m-edit screen.
    2. The output reports.
    3. The help files. (Also parameter estimation)
A: Excellent question. Thank you for your interest in msmac3D.
For item 1 in your list:
  • Basically msmac3D is msmac2d linked with mhvosm3D for the 3D components of simulation. It will be initially setup for 2 vehicles but in updates we add unlimited vehicles.
    In its simplest form, starting with a msmac2d input file to run msmac3D you add the
    • Center of Gravity (CG) height,
    • bumper height,
    • overall height (OH)
    and click run!
    That would run a 3D simulation on flat surface.
    To run on 3D terrain when you first call msmac3D it brings up a graphical dialog wherein you select your underlay graphics (like a google map or overhead photo
    • Then you specify your 3D terrain:
      • a DXF file of your 3D terrain
      • or simply click on the photo/terrain in the graphical interface to mark roadway edges and centerline and ditch points and set 3D elevations for the points or
      • you can import a comma delimited file with x,y,z points)
    Then the program creates a surface on which the vehicle runs.
    Our goal is to make our msmac3D product convenient, fast and easy to use.
    If you are so inclined and have specifications.measurements for the tires, suspension, moments of inertia, or any other 3D elements you can put in any or all of the inputs (any 3D/hvosm inputs you add will override the automatic defaults)
    In validation comparison runs the automatic defaults correlate well when compared to full scale measurements of tests (demonstrating that if the inputs are approximated correctly they provide a good match between simulation and reality)
    Once the msmac3D is released we will rerun all validation comparisons and create a publication with corresponding online resources to include documentation of our approximation techniques and all the validation comparisons (one must ALWAYS rerun any and all validation comparisons with the product 'as released' to be sure to test/check/verify the released product produces the same exact results and that all things work properly)
Item 2 from your list:
  • The outputs are in both printed format and comma delimited format. The Chart function of msmac2D will work for msmac3D with all the additional 3D parameters (roll, pitch, yaw, moemnts of inertia, tire forces, suspension travel, etc)
Item 3 from your list: Our time-frame for msmac3D roll out time frame was to be end of September/early October 2014.
However due to time required for the ASME presentation and the upcoming NAPARS presentation it may be late October before msmac3D is rolled out.
That is why we currently are offering the product at a significant Pre-order discount

The lecture commitments have also delayed our preparation of additional demonstration videos and 'how it works' videos.
We hope and expect to start posting some of those up in the next week.
Thank you for your interest in McHenry Software msmac3D program.
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Re: Questions on the msmac3D Release

Post by MSI »

Q: Thanks. Your forum post does help, but of course, it sparks additional questions.
  • 1. Basically msmac3D is msmac2d linked with mhvosm3D for the 3D components of simulation.
    • a. What are the differences between msmac3d and mhvosm?
      b. Is mhvosm going to be made available at a later date?
    2. Is msmac3d capable of modeling rollover? Although rare, some rollovers result from by impact forces as opposed to ground forces, is msmac3d capable of simulating both types?
    3. What is the damage routine like? Will it have any over-ride/under-ride ability?

A: Here's a preliminary response (This probably will be edited and visuals added next week so please check back!)
  • 1. Basically msmac3D is msmac2d linked with mhvosm3D for the 3D components of simulation.
    • a. What are the differences between msmac3d and mhvosm?
      • None! You do not have to create a separate hvosm input file.
        The inputs for HVOSM are created automatically based on your msmac2D input file.
        You CAN also create a complete hvosm input file, if you'd like, by adding any and all the required inputs which will override the automatic defaults
      b. Is mhvosm going to be made available at a later date?
      • This is our release of mhvosm.
        We believe merging the two technologies as a single program is far superior to having to run two separate programs.
        We find it much more convenient since you run a msmac2D simulation and then simply 'turn on' the 3D component rather than having to create a separate input file, etc.
        For a user to have to create a full 3D input file is a burden for the user. We believe there is no point in creating it as a separate product. However we may change our minds at a later date!
    2. Is msmac3d capable of modeling rollover? Although rare, some rollovers result from by impact forces as opposed to ground forces, is msmac3d capable of simulating both types?
    • Yes! By turning on the 3D option you automatically can handle simulating rollovers (there is also an option to NOT allow rollovers (stops at 45 degrees of roll or pitch) if you'd like).
      The automatic input creation creates a vehicle periphery based on the vehicle specifications, overall height and CG height.
      You can separately specify periphery points in addition to those points or instead of the automatic points.
      In a future update we will tie the points to the DXF file used for the graphical display. An issue with the use of DXF graphics files for specifying the vehicle periphery is there may be lots of graphical detail on the vehicle which does not correspond to any vehicle structure. We are working on logic to simply use the graphical DXF file for definition of roof line, side panels, etc.
    3. What is the damage routine like? Will it have any over-ride/under-ride ability?
    • The damage routine is the msmac2D damage routine at a single or more than one elevation.
      In the initial release the program asks for the 'bumper height' and uses the average of the two interacting vehicles' dumper heights as the height of the 3D collision interaction between the vehicles.
      Currently we do not have underride/override capability (except with the snag option which is 3D for msmac3D).
      An underride/override option will be something that will be provided free since any and all updates will be provided to all users automatically.
Thank you for your questions and we appreciate your interest in msmac3D and McHenry Software!
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