Apr 2010: A couple of items to help you get the most out of the McHenry Forum:
There is a global search functions of this forum to search all forums for topics of interest. It is located in the upper right of the forum page: This searches all McHenry forum pages. It also has an Advanced search functions for more in depth searching.
When you select a specific topic, a 'Search this forum' search function appears. For example when you select the Collision Analysis topic the following apears below the header: Use this function to search only the current topic for keywords.
One last item, in the upper right of each topic is a topic summary which may also indicate more than 1 page of items in a specific focum.
Click on the 2 or 3, etc to see the next page of items in that topic.
Using Search Functions to find topics!
Using Search Functions to find topics!
Question? Comment? Please email us
MORE TOPICS see:Forum Index & McHenrySoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software, Inc ALL Rights Reserved.
MORE TOPICS see:Forum Index & McHenrySoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software, Inc ALL Rights Reserved.
Re: Using Search Functions to find topics!
NOTE: For the search functions to search ALL topics you need to be logged in.
So for McHenry Software Users be sure to log in to check for topics.
So for McHenry Software Users be sure to log in to check for topics.
->Search Forum<- ->HOT TOPICS<- ->msmac3D INFO<- ->Forum Index<-<-
Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.
Question? Comment? email forum@mchenrysoftware.com
(c)McHenry Software ALL Rights Reserved.