What is PRT?

Q&A related to Driver Factors in Crash Reconstruction
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What is PRT?

Post by MSI »

Saw a post on Linkedin by Jeff Muttart of Driver Research Institute in which he posted:
  • "Swaroop wrote a simple, short explanation to define perception-response time, and to explain how to evaluate it in an objective way. Take a look, it is worth 5 minutes of your time if evaluating drivers'' response times."
Here's the link What is PRT?
which starts...
  • PRT is Perception Response Time. While often confused with reaction time, PRT is the time from when drivers recognize a hazardous scenario to when drivers start to respond in an evasive manner. PRT itself has comprised of different components as shown in the figure below. A prerequisite for us to measure PRT is the presence of a hazardous scenario. If drivers are not facing an emergency event, drivers do not respond. Every crash type has a different event onset from where response times were measured. E.g., if we have a nighttime crash, when did the driver recognize the dark clad pedestrian in the road? If you have a stopped vehicle, when was the looming threshold reached? Next we must know what component of a drivers response we are trying to measure. The article below is a brief description of what to keep in mind when talking about driver responses.
See the Linkedin post for the full article.
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