Winners or Losers in Crash Reconstruction?

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Winners or Losers in Crash Reconstruction?

Post by MSI »

Recently got an email from a colleague who consulted on a case and we got a thank you email which ended with:
  • "I believe it was the right decision. Unfortunately, there is no winner in this case."

To which we waxed philosophical in our response which we repeat here:
  • Scientific Crash reconstruction isn’t about winners or losers.
    • Crash Reconstruction is the proper application of science to objectively determine what happened in a crash.

    Can also be restated as
    • Crash Reconstruction is the careful examination and evaluation of all evidence and to come to a proper and correct scientific conclusion.
    That is the best any of us can hope to do.
which now reminds me of our quote from our seminars and book:
  • As scientists, engineers and accident reconstructionists, we should not let the unlimited possibilities of making anything look real (with animation) obscure our duty to perform a careful and detailed engineering analysis while also continually testing and evaluating the applied techniques, including computer programs, to achieve the most accurate reconstruction possible.
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