Is a Telsa "Recall' an Actual Recall? or Merely a Software Update?

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Is a Telsa "Recall' an Actual Recall? or Merely a Software Update?

Post by MSI »

Drives me crazy when they talk of safety 'Recalls' of Telsa. It even has topped the lists of many: BUT
  • is it really a recall when all that is involved is a software update?
    I'm not advocating for Tesla, one way or the other, however they need to categorize recalls as
    • '"Physical Shop Service Required Recall"'
      • Where you HAVE to take the vehicle into the service center to get installed, most inconvenient.
    • "Software update Recall" -
      • Like Telsa does for a LOT of their 'recalls',
        All that is required is the vehicle software needs to be updated.
        Which for many vehicles these days is done 'while you sleep'!
        • Downloads and installs overnight or instantly (and many vehicle have cell connection or use the wifi from your house)
        Easy! Convenient!
    • "Mobile Install Recall"
      • The repair/update/installation is done 'in the field'
        They come to your car at your house or work location!
        Telsa started doing it in our area due to the limits in capacity of their service centers,
        Easy! Convenient!
Main point:
  • News services need to categorize recalls based on the type of recall!
    • Particularly when it doesn't require having to lose the vehicle for a day or more while in the shop