Volvo Drop Tests from a Crane

Question on 3D Simulation/msmac3D/HVOSM and other 3D Simulation models
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Volvo Drop Tests from a Crane

Post by MSI »

Volvo doing some crane drop tests as part of their #ForEveryonesSafety
Great program and great way to bring a vehicle up to speed in a small area!
More information on the Volvo safety program #ForEveryonesSafety is here:
It also reminded me of some similar tests done in the 60's at Calspan as part of the HVOSM development
Below are some quick scans of some figures from a 1967 Calspan report. Many crane drop tests were performed as part of that research. Great to see crane drop tests still being used.
  • (we apparently need to scan this report since don't find it online!)
  • 1967 "Determination of Physical Criteria for Roadside Energy Conversion System", R. R. McHenry, N. J. DeLeys and D. J. Segal, Calspan Report No. VJ-2251-V-1, July
crane drop1.png
crane drop1.png (229.55 KiB) Viewed 14261 times
crane drop2.png
crane drop2.png (443.86 KiB) Viewed 14261 times
Some old school plots (by hand! image that and realize how fortunate we are to be able to quickly and instantly create time history charts!)
crane drop3.png
crane drop3.png (332.75 KiB) Viewed 14261 times
calspan test.png
calspan test.png (305.78 KiB) Viewed 14279 times
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