"Faked Left" Syndrome aka Who Was First on Wrong Side of Road?

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"Faked Left" Syndrome aka Who Was First on Wrong Side of Road?

Post by MSI »

In Process....

A question on the forum INCR on 'faked left' syndrome, where a vehicle sees a vehicle on the wrong side of the road so steers to the other side. At the same time the other vehicle does too. So the impact is in the other vehicles proper lane. how do you sort out things?

On INCR they posted a link to a paper by Joe Badger Reminded me of a few things
  • First from this post on another crash reconstruction forum about a woman who's daughter was charged with being on the wrong side of the road and the police 'proved' she was using PC-CRASH
    so i created a thread: So I included the following in the long post/response (I repeat here parts since it is about 'faked left syndrome'
    First, i am reminded of a driving story told to me by my late uncle Ken as a warning when driving...
    • One of his first driving experiences some 75+ years ago (he passed recently at 90+ years old)
      As a young driver he was driving down the road in rural Maine and saw a vehicle on his side of the road.
      He decided to go to the other lane to pass the vehicle on the wrong side of the road.
      The other driver at the last minute came back over to his proper lane of travel and they collided.
      The police charged my uncle with being on the wrong side of the road and causing the crash.
    The police can only go by 'where is the evidence' although the other driver was the 'town drunk' and drunk at the time (this was in rural Maine)
    Studies have shown that intoxicated people head 'towards the light' so that is why trying to swerve around someone traveling in your lane may make them come back 'to the light' and collide with you and make it appear you are to blame.
    it is also why at some crash sites all lit up with emergency vehicles that they sometimes 'attract' intoxicated drivers who 'head towards the light' and crash into the rescue vehicles and cause further carnage.

    As a quick demonstration for that post on whether pc-crash can 'prove' who was on the wrong side of the road?, i did a msmac3D simulation of two somewhat similar vehicles on the scene w/pc-crash results posted on that other thread.
    In the quick preliminary demonstration i demonstrated if the other vehicle came back from the opposite lane you still can match the approximate rest positions of the vehicles
    • (need actual makes/models/weights, damage measurements/pictures, tire mark evidence, scene evidence, etc)
    POI v POR msmac3D.jpg
    POI v POR msmac3D.jpg (238.16 KiB) Viewed 6533 times
    here are a few of the pictures also posted:
    pdf photo received from the newspaper.jpg
    pdf photo received from the newspaper.jpg (21.6 KiB) Viewed 6533 times
    photo expert defense.jpg
    photo expert defense.jpg (28.97 KiB) Viewed 6533 times
    photo expert defense2.jpg
    photo expert defense2.jpg (28 KiB) Viewed 6533 times
    And lastly from our McHenry Reconstruction book here's points to ponder:
    Impact Location Relative to Centerline.jpg
    Impact Location Relative to Centerline.jpg (246.01 KiB) Viewed 6532 times
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