EDR/CDR data copy/paste direct to/from msmac3D

Decided this might be a good time to add a specific topic on Electronic Data Recorders (EDR) and/or Crash Data Recorders (CDR)
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EDR/CDR data copy/paste direct to/from msmac3D

Post by MSI »

With version 4.3 we have added the ability to directly copy/paste the steer, velocity, braking/accelerating, angular velocities to//from Excel or other spreadsheet program that you use.
we have a preliminary video walking through the steps to create, copy/paste the data and it brought up some additional items to be included in the 4.3 update.
So look to this forum topic for more information and an update to the instructions/help file and DEMO video.
The following is a rough cut video and will be updated soon