Just when ya thought NHTSA was on the right track...

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Just when ya thought NHTSA was on the right track...

Post by MSI »

April 5, 2010: After NHTSA called in NASA and the National Academy of Sciences you'd think they'd shut up and wait for more objective scientific information on the Toyota matter. But NOOOOOOO! Apparently LaHood & the Transportation Dept ARE publicity crazy!
Continuing to feed the frothing media and class action happy lawyers, LaHood and the Transportation department accused Toyota of hiding a "dangerous defect" and proposed a record $16.4 million fine for failing to quickly alert regulators to safety problems in gas pedals on popular models such as the Camry and Corolla.
  • "We now have proof that Toyota failed to live up to its legal obligations," LaHood said in a statement. "Worse yet, they knowingly hid a dangerous defect for months from U.S. officials and did not take action to protect millions of drivers and their families."
With 138 potential class-action lawsuits over falling vehicle values and nearly 100 personal injury and wrongful death cases in federal courts nationwide, the governments plan to Sue Toyota as an Economic Recovery Act appears to be continuing.
If one were to review the history of tort-bar opportunism and media malfeasance, it will dispel this Great Toyota Panic of 2010
See Exorcising the Great Toyota Panic of 2010.
To believe the government and class action seeking lawyers you have to believe Toyota's have it in for elderly drivers!
For more information on the fine, see Toyota faces $16M fine, accused of hiding defect
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Re: Just when ya thought NHTSA was on the right track...

Post by MSI »

April 6, 2010: It appears that the speculation and misinformation by our Transportation Department, that we thought had ebbed, is back in full force! Today Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, apparently feeding off the attention he got from his message yesterday, is now a fortune teller! He is speculating that the Transportation Department review of documents from Toyota Motor Corp. will uncover additional safety lapses at the Japanese automaker. Well ain't that special! Just what we need from our irresponsible Transportation department, SPECULATION!
Why does the Transportation Department continue to run wild with speculation and misinformation? Look at all the news threads in this topic 'Toyota Turmoil News' and you will see that the vast majority of the news releases are misinformation campaigns by the scare tactic crazy Transportation department and class action seeking lawyer pumping the negativity against Toyota.
When will it end?
See the misinformation news report today by AP LaHood: Feds could find more Toyota safety lapses
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Re: Just when ya thought NHTSA was on the right track...

Post by MSI »

April 7, 2010: Article on Law.com today gives the rationale for the fines and speculation by LaHood and the Transportation Dept.
As we've mentioned on this forum before, the whole irresponsible response of NHTSA and the Transportation Department to this Toyota fiasco must be part of some kind of US Economic Recovery Act which includes SUE Toyota! as its basis. The response of course also promotes domestic automakers (GM in particular). It's all part of the fabricated Great Toyota Panic of 2010
So it comes as no surprise that
  • "The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's $16.4 million civil penalty against Toyota could bolster legal claims that the automaker committed consumer fraud and racketeering. It also could assist plaintiffs attorneys in obtaining thousands of documents for use in their cases, according to plaintiffs lawyers and legal experts." and "The fines also could boost class actions filed on behalf of shareholders."
Toyota has two weeks to accept or contest the fine.
See the Article on Law.com today Government's $16.4 Million Fine Could Boost Lawsuits Against Toyota
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Re: Just when ya thought NHTSA was on the right track...

Post by MSI »

April 19, 2010: So today Toyota agreed to pay the fine while not admitting guilt. It appears that technically, the 'must report within 5 days' to NHTSA was not followed and Toyota wasn't as responsive as they could have been. So rather than fight the fine and derail their trying to move beyond the Great Toyota Panic of 2010, they are to pay the fine.
Obviously the bigger fight is to refute the thousands of lawyers representing millions of Toyota owners who are suing Toyota trying to get a piece of the Toyota action.
See the article
Toyota To Pay $16.4M Fine; Recalls Lexus SUVs
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Re: Just when ya thought NHTSA was on the right track...

Post by MSI »

Dec 20, 2010: LA Times Toyota slapped with record penalty
  • US DOT said today that Toyota agreed to pay record fines totaling $32.425 million for failing to notify safety regulators of potential safety defects. The DOT accused Toyota of failing to tell safety officials immediately of a tendency for floor mats to entrap accelerator pedals, which can cause sudden acceleration. Separately, the department said, Toyota failed to inform officials of a potentially dangerous steering defect that could cause vehicles to lose control.
    The fines are in addition to a $16.4 million penalty the automaker agreed to pay in April for a similar violation.
See the LA Times for more information: Toyota slapped with record penalty
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