Drivers on Prescription Drugs: Dangerous but hard to convict

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Drivers on Prescription Drugs: Dangerous but hard to convict

Post by MSI »

July 25, 2010: New York Times article Drivers on Prescription Drugs: Dangerous but hard to convict
Unlike with alcohol or illegal drugs, there is no agreement on what level of prescription drugs in the blood impairs driving. Anti-anxiety drugs can dull senses and slow reaction times. Stimulants can encourage risk taking and impair judgment. And when drivers mix prescription drugs? Or mix prescription drugs with alcohol? The results can be disastrous and they can exacerbate impairment and sharply increase the risks.
There are currently only 7000 law enforcement officers nationwide trained as "drug recognition experts" who can spot signs of impairment in drivers. Not nearly enough to respond to every traffic stop and accident.
See the full article Drivers on Prescription Drugs: Dangerous but hard to convict