Book Review: Why weird things happen!

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Book Review: Why weird things happen!

Post by MSI »

Feb 2014, Salon The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles and Rare Events Happen Every Day
Seemingly random occurrence, miracles and other things: maybe not so?
In a new book on probabilities, David J. Hand writes that through the "law of truly large numbers' that because we live in a time of billions of people and therefore billions of events, maybe those rare and miraculous events are not so: they will occur so why not now?
from the article:
  • Humanity made "a major conceptual advance" when, in the mid-17th century, it began to understand "the step from the unpredictability of individual events to the predictability of aggregates of events." Hand rates this insight as "on a par with the intellectual leap which led to the concept of gravity as a universal force acting between objects."
A great pimer on probabilities...give the article a read, give the book a read.
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Re: Book Review: Why weird things happen!

Post by MSI »

Feb 23, 2014: And for more information...The NY Times Sunday Magazine had an interview with author David Hand who recently wrote The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles and Rare Events Happen Every Day.
  • It includes Lottery Tips!
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