UB Concussion Study

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UB Concussion Study

Post by MSI »

Feb 2018 UB concussion study hailed as 'landmark' likely to influence treatment worldwide
which begins...
  • Teens who suffer a sports-related concussion are likely to improve more quickly if they start aerobic exercise within a few days under the guidance of a health care specialist, according to what has been hailed as a landmark study led by two University at Buffalo researchers.

    The findings contradict a long-held belief in medical circles that those concussed are best served by at least several weeks of rest before resuming regular activities.

    “This should start to change the approach to concussion care from being a very passive approach – essentially don't do anything until your symptoms go away – to one that's more active in promoting some moderate level of physical activity," said Dr. John Leddy, director of the UB Concussion Management Clinic and lead author of the study.