What is NAPARS?

'What Is' type questions related to highway safety, accident reconstruction and vehicle simulation
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What is NAPARS?

Post by MSI »

NAPARS is the National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists.
  • April 2021 JOIN NAPARS!:And also be sure to also see the NAPARS Facebook Page (if you do the facebook thing) with many interesting technical presentations and dsicsussions IN ADDITION to all the great benefits of joining NAPARS.
  • From the NAPARS website:
    • NAPARS is a non-profit organization whose members have joined together to share the challenge of dealing with complex problems of accident reconstruction and to upgrade and professionalize the accident reconstruction field.
      The principles which guide NAPARS are:
      • Continual research, experimentation and the exchange of ideas through discussion and debate are the paths to development of a professional body of knowledge about all levels of technical accident reconstruction;
        Maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity is imperative to the improvement of professional accident reconstruction;
        Inform and educate the public on accident investigation and traffic safety issues.
      NAPARS is open to all persons interested in the fields of traffic accident reconstruction and highway transportation safety.
      Membership includes approximately 700 police officers, engineers, consultants and government safety personnel from across the U.S., Canada, and many foreign countries.

      NAPARS was founded in 1985, and annually hosts, co-hosts, or sponsors training events and conferences on traffic accident reconstruction topics. Membership is for 12 months from date of renewal. Each 1-year membership comes with a complimentary subscription to “COLLISION: The International Compendium for Crash Research". Active members as of April 1 each year will receive the Spring issue, delivered about June each year, and all active members as of October 1 will receive the Fall issue, typically delivered in December. Every magazine is packed with new, invaluable information on a variety of crash related topics. Moreover, included with every issue is a DVD compendium of the proceedings of either the ARC-CSI Crash Conference or the CDR User's Summit including presentations, reference material, crash data, videos, photos, and more.

      NAPARS is dedicated to the open exchange of information relating to the science of reconstructing traffic crashes and related technologies. Our policy is to provide assistance to the media whenever possible, by supplying technical information or by directing your inquiry to our large field of experts who can provide the information needed. This would include interviews, fact-checking, or samples of crash photographs.
Please contact NAPARS with requests for information:

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