In the event you got a renewal notice when you started up your software
Here is a link to a renewal only order form:
NOTE: For renewal users, you just need to include your name and we will send link to secure and safe Intuit GoPayment link for any type of online payment!
- ANNUAL Renewal Form For annual clients
- Simply send check or email us and we will sned send a secure and safe Intuit GoPayment link for any type of online payment! and once processed you're good to go for another year!
- For current lease clients and/or former McHenry Software Licenses, please contact McHenry Software for a price list.
We have discontinued the lease program for new users.
If interested in our software please send name and contact information and we will send you a quote.
- For additional comparison/information see:
From 3D graphics simply Click the About icon- If from medit3D click Help->About and it will list your renewal date!