What is HVOSM?

Question on 3D Simulation/msmac3D/HVOSM and other 3D Simulation models
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What is HVOSM?

Post by MSI »

Q: What is HVOSM?
A: HVOSM = Highway Vehicle Object Simulation Model (currently available as msmac3D which is a merge of HVOSM and SMAC)
  • In the mid-60's while at the Calspan Corporation (then Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc.), Raymond R. McHenry began development of a general mathematical model and computer simulation of the dynamic responses of automobiles under Contract CPR-11-3988 with the Bureau of Public Roads. The mathematical model, which was subsequently named the Highway Vehicle Object Simulation Model (HVOSM), includes the general three-dimensional motions resulting from vehicle control inputs, traversals of terrain irregularities and collisions with certain types of roadside obstacles (Ref. 3). The development of the HVOSM included an extensive validation effort within which a series of repeated full-scale tests with instrumented vehicles was performed to permit an objective assessment of the degree of validity of the computer model
    In 1969 the paper by Raymond R McHenry on the HVOSM development entitled The paper was awarded the Crompton-Lanchester Medal from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Awarded by the Board of the Automobile Division for the best paper or for outstanding service considered to have special influence on the advancement of automobile engineering.
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