Occupant v Vehicle Gs (acceleration) in Rear End Crash

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Occupant v Vehicle Gs (acceleration) in Rear End Crash

Post by MSI »

Question: I have a relatively low speed rear-end impact. Biomedical guy is saying whatever the lead vehicle experiences in Gs is cut by 60% for the driver due to body sinking into the soft seat. I found a 2001 SAE research study that says the opposite. They measured acceleration of vehicles and bodies and found of the 4 major body sections they measured, one accelerated 1.4 to 4 times greater than the vehicle, two were about the same as the vehicle, and the last was about twice that of the vehicle. Does it sound like the biomed guy is off or am I missing something?

A: interesting...and i expect the expert is of the 'you pay, we say' variety..
Reduction in G's based on seat padding? And what do G levels have to do with the exposure of an occupant except for peak vs average...
the DeltaV as in Impact Speed change is the important number/issue.
They want you to believe that a softer seat reduces the deltav? ride down i guess?
Been a while since i considered such issues...i'll add references, etc to this thread soon...