Book Review: The Quest for a Theory of EVERYTHING!

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Book Review: The Quest for a Theory of EVERYTHING!

Post by MSI »

Recently had a quick read of a definitely mind boggling book by Michop Kaku Excellent Read, highly recommend it.
Covers from
  • Newton's Laws of Gravity (and many of his and others brilliant discoveries) which brought about the Industrial Age
  • Faraday and Maxwell and the unity of electric and magnetic forces which brought about the electrical revolution
  • Einstein and quantum physics revealing the probabilistic and relativistic nature of relation which brought about the high tech revolution of today
  • What equation might finally unite them all to bring about the Theory of EVERYTHING???
Very thought provoking
things like
  • if it all started with the BIG BANG, what about before the BIG BANG? What was there?
  • Also, Is the universe expanding? or contracting?
  • And symmetry is beautiful
    • he definitely is partial to finding a simplistic, symmetrical solution to to it all
  • We all exist in just a minuscule blip on the continuum of time
  • Light years away from us things may be happening that we have yet to discover/see/know/etc
It is truly amazing the many mind boggling scientific discoveries and devices we've created so far...
  • How did we come about?
  • How many other worlds are there out there rotating about around another sun in another galaxy?
  • Are there parallel universes?
    • interesting idea...yet...which one are we?
  • Also brings about questions on what is reality?
    • Since ours is a consensus opinion of 'what is real' vs 'what is imagined' yet
      • what if some of those funky strange crazy dreams we sometimes have are our actual reality?
      • What is real?
    What if the universe in process of imploding...yet...we don't know it yet
    • and may never know it since it may be billions of our years until it get to us
    • Light years away
    • Billions of Lifetimes away
    And in the universe what is real time?
    • It is definitely NOT based on the rotation of OUR planet around OUR sun
    But then what is it?
    • Concepts we have adopted and adapted to live by are all thrown out the window when you realize the immense size and complexity of the expanding? or contracting? universe
    Great thought provoking book!
    Many of these items are just some thoughts I had while reading the book
    What thoughts will it provoke in YOUR mind?

    give it a read!
    EXCELLENT read!
