Great Crash Test by on Linkedin

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Great Crash Test by on Linkedin

Post by MSI »

Great Crash test!
I created a crude synch composite

Posted on Linkedin by GmbH

ran a few simulations to try to braket speeds but too many unknowns
  • slope of takeoff (and how hard packed the surface? since a lot goes flying)
  • and better specs on vehicle other than Hyndai Lantra?
  • any measurements?
A video analysis could be easily done to get the takeoff speed (since fixed camera approx side view/length of vehicle/video frame rate)
Due to the high speed (eyeball at 60-65 MPH (96-104 kph) or more?
all depends on the drag/resistance of the berm and the final slope of the launch

more info soon!
here's the raw footage on the Youtube page:

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