Bicycle Travel Speeds of Children

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Bicycle Travel Speeds of Children

Post by MSI »

The following are some references on 'typical' bicycle speeds:
  • Developmental aspects of children's behavior and safety while cycling
    • Briem V1, Radeborg K, Salo I, Bengtsson H.
      • OBJECTIVE:
        • To examine children's competence while cycling, as demonstrated in mistakes in performance and failure to comply with safety rules.
      • METHODS:
        • Children in three age groups (8, 10, and 12 years) participated in a realistic yet simulated traffic environment.
      • RESULTS:
        • The boys' cycling speed increased steadily with age, while that of the girls increased from 8 to 10 but decreased at age 12. Most children had adequate motor control by age 10, and the youngest compensated for their less developed skills by cycling slowly and braking early at junctions. Serious mistakes, often related to the children's age and gender, consisted of the children failing to stop at signals or stopping too late, especially at short stopping range.
        • There are considerable individual differences in children's cycling competence that are related to biological factors, such as age and gender, and psychological factors, such as rule compliance and choice of cycling speed.
      (note the link includes a LOT of related references)
There is also an online tool by McNally & Associates: bicycle speed caclculater
  • Bike Speed Calculator
    • This spreadsheet is pre-populated with sample data. To solve for your needs, replace values in the RED cells with known data. All other cells are locked down and will auto-fill as data is calculated.

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