How Facebook can Make or Break a case

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How Facebook can Make or Break a case

Post by MSI »

July 27, 2010: Eric Meyer of Legal Intelligencer writes about How Facebook Can Make or Break Your Case
Which includes:
  • Facebook has over 500 million active users.
    Twitter users are recording an average of 55 million tweets a day.
    If an employee files suit against your client, what are the odds the employee uses social media? I'd say they're pretty good. Just imagine missing the Facebook post: "I'll do whatever it takes to get back at my employer."
    In EEOC v. Simply Storage Management, a federal court permitted an employer to obtain discovery of an employee's social networking activity that, through privacy settings, the employee had made "private" and not available to the general public.
Goodbye Privacy! See the full article How Facebook Can Make or Break Your Case

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