Formula for Yaw Moment of Inertia?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:28 pm
by MSI
Q: I've been using I = m*0.92/12*(L^2 + W^2) for my Yaw Moment of Inertia calcs. Is this formula something that is generally used?

A: Not sure where the factor 0.92 comes from as that look very similar to the rectangular block of uniform density approximation technique from Grime & Jones, You'll see that and other formulas in:
  • Yaw Inertia
    a section from our currently our of print book McHenry Accident Reconstruction.
    The section presents some techniques (including the above referenced Grime/Jones formula) and references some additional papers with approximation techniques.
    For msmac licensee, the same information can be found in our msmac Help file
    • medit3D->Help menu->msmac Input Manual
      • see section DISCUSSION: Moment of Inertia