Offset Motorcycle collision ACM issues?

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Offset Motorcycle collision ACM issues?

Post by MSI »

From another forum:
Q: I was reaching out to see if any information to explain energy that is lost/unreported on an ACM report? More specifically a motorcycle strike the right rear quarter panel of a vehicle. The impact rotated the vehicle more than 100 degrees. No pre-impact braking and it was not a direct 90 degree hit. The ACM report is under reporting the delta-v which is not accounting for all of the motorcycles speed.

A: Some further clarification:
  • What type of collision?
    • Did rider(s) remain on bike/interact with car or fly over it/partially interact with it?
      Since the possibility of a changing mass during the collision will affect the DeltaV/acceleration ACM measurements/calculations, etc.
Others responding to your question provided a reference on offset DeltaV,
Please also see our paper: We also have a related topic on 'MC speed to rotate a vehicle'
  • A first pass crude evaluation of what speed is required for a motorcycle to rotate a vehicle 180 degrees. It demonstrates that using a time forward simulation (which calculates the forces and moments for every millisecond during a collision) provides a way to evaluate motorcycle collisions at an offset:
    Motorcycle Crash Which Spun the Vehicle 180 Degrees
This topic reminds me need to activate the 'change mass during a collision' option we created Coincidentally 1997, a busy year as we published 4 SAE papers all of which made SAE transactions

What a long strange trip it's been...

Let us know if any additional questions/clarifications, etc.

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