What is The "No Damage Intercept" of CRASH

Questions/Topics Related to the CRASH computer program
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What is The "No Damage Intercept" of CRASH

Post by MSI »

As part of a response to a question on Truck Crush properties and an error in the referenced SAE paper, we added this topic with important information on the "no damage intercept' and CRASH in general

One thing to note/always check on Crush Coefficients:
  • What is the 'no damage intercept'?
    • Calculate the CRASH inputs A/B to get the value
  • A lot of folks who sell coefficients force a 4-5 mph intercept
  • Some published crush coefficients are a mess:
    • For example the CRASH3 update by Monk/Guenther
      • They did not understand the science behind CRASH
      • They won the contract for the CRASH3 update on a competitive bid against Calspan (who invented CRASH!).
      • They spent the majority of the contract dollars apparently trying to understand what Ray McHenry/Calspan had created with CRASH/CRASH2
      • Monk/Guenther tried to 'cover their tracks' by
        • arbitrary and subjective 'adjustments' of their crazy values for the crush coefficients A & B and corresponding > 5mph 'no damage intercept' to try to better match Ray's/Calspan's CRASH work better
          • And i say crazy since
            • they had data points from their 'CRASH3' crash test information,
            • the Ray/Calspan/CRASH2 fits had data points,
            • they should have taken the DATA into consideration for the virtual crush coefficient slope line while also recognizing the need to have a lower, more reasonable 'no damage' intercept.
            • Then they could have found a more scientific basis instead of their arbitrary and subjective adjustments.
    • Use exercise extreme caution when applying CRASH, aka Damage Analysis, particularly to very low speed collisions
Be sure to check the 'no damage intercept' dimension and speed!
For additional information, For additional information on CRASH please see the original CRASH references listed here:
CRASH references in CRASH3 doc.png
CRASH references in CRASH3 doc.png (298.94 KiB) Viewed 14798 times
Many of the listed papers are available online: ___________________________________________________
For additional information on damage analysis & CRASH, please see:

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