ARAS360 Replacement?

General Questions, answers and information related to the release of the msmac3D program.
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ARAS360 Replacement?

Post by MSI »

On another forum saw the following Question:
  • Q: I am looking at replacing my outdated version of ARAS360. I do not have a scanner or drone but will be using data collected from others to produce the animations.
and our response:
  • McHenry Software knows a thing of two about animations, interfaces, and ARAS360

    We were supposed to only be 2D/3D simulation part (Collide) of the original ARAS360 product but had to help on animation and interfaces...
    • The main problem we had with ARAS360 was that they weren't "ready for prime time" when they signed the contract with us (although in the contract they said they were!)
    • We spent the better part of the first year waiting, and then the second year working on and helping ARAS360 develop and improve their initial interface and animation, etc., etc.
      • In a few short months we then added our preliminary simulation (Collide) which was easy
    • However ARAS360 then did not pay per the contract (after many many broken promises of payment on release)
      • man cannot live on broken promises alone!
      • ARAS360 had added a former programmer (one they worked with before) during the second year and so they stopped paying us and thought they could freely use our software...
      • So we were forced to cancel the contract and sue to get control of our software back and stop them from selling it
McHenry Software main focus is 3D Simulation however we do know a thing or two about animation, interfaces, etc...
Any questions/comments/etc please let us know.
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Re: ARAS360 Replacement?

Post by MSI »

Recently received the following on the ARAS360/FARO situation:

Q: I have a perpetual license from FARO for their collision software that because I bought the 3D version of simulation from ARS360 [Note: the ONLY 3D simulation from ARSS360 was called Collide]. When I spoke with FARO they said you owned the software. I am sort of confused . Is what FARO has is your MSMAC3D?
It’s renewal time for my scanner and software and I need to make some decisions.

A: Collide3D, which we created in 2010 as a starter version of msmac3D for ARAS360, was rolled out in October 2011.
  • We had a contract with ARAS360 which included annual payments and set software pricing and fees.
    • ARAS360 was behind on payments and promised payment for past due amounts from the contract on release of the software
  • Collide3D Software was released November 2011
    • They then promised 3 times via email (we got the receipts!) but they NEVER paid!
  • They also continued to sell COLLIDE for whatever price they decided (contrary to the contract!)
  • We stopped ALL work and canceled the contract in December 2011 due to non-payment on contract terms!
  • We then had to sue to STOP ARAS360 from illegal sales (injunction) and to get control of our software back (arbitration).
  • We WON!!...but...
    It clearly demonstrated the incompetency of the BC Arbitration process...
    • We won in the arbitration but it took years and $$$$,
    • The arbitrator's confused "award" didn't penalize ARAS360 for the many illegal sales or make them pay ANY our wasteful legal costs
      • Arbitration is supposed to be inexpensive, ARAS360 drew it out, filed useless nonsense, and drove up costs,
        the arbitrator threatened ARAS on MANY occasions and NEVER followed through in the final garbage 'award').
In the meantime at some point after MANY illegal sales ARAS360 added a messy and error prone 2D version of original SMAC they initially called ICATS
  • They must have seen we posted up source code for the ORIGINAL code,
  • We've put decades of research and development into our msmac3D code which was initial version of COLLIDE
    • They were forced by US Injunction to STOP ANY use or distribution of our code
    • They got the original 2D SMAC code and they released it as "Collide 2012" (and left out that is was ONLY 2D, not 3D! etc etc)
Fast forward a few years and even though ARAS360 was still in the lawsuit with McHenry Software: ...yet somehow...
  • Crazy:
    • FARO paid 8 million for ARAS360
      • public company, public knowledge
    • FARO never got a legitimate 3D (or 2D) simulation program (since we had sued to get control of OUR software)
      • A messy 2D ICATS then COLLIDE 2012 were subject to MAJOR errors
        • They had a silly misguided erroneous "validation" paper on the ARAS ICATS program (only 2D),
        • We wrote up a review of the Silly ICATS Validation which we sent to FARO
          Our review of the silly 'ICATS validation paper' might have contributed the FARO decision, after buying ARAS360, that in
          • 2016 FARO dropped ALL simulation
            From the FARO announcement
            • "Effective immediately, FARO will no longer include the Interactive Collision and Trajectory Simulation (ICATS) module in Reality and HD software."
            • "future product updates of Reality and HD will no longer have this feature available."
          There should no longer be ANY simulation in FARO
    • FARO Never sued ARAS30 for a refund
    • FARO Never approached McHenry Software to be able to add true 3D simulation
      • we're sitting by the phone! (shall we hold our breaths?!)
So not sure what simulation program you are using but please let us know more...
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