Is msmac3D an annual maintenance/subscription?

General Questions, answers and information related to the release of the msmac3D program.
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Is msmac3D an annual maintenance/subscription?

Post by MSI »

Update Mar 2021: Please see our new Subscription/Lease Pricing post!
2021: We NOW have LEASE pricing! See msmac3D Subscription/Lease Pricing information

We've changed our pricing structure to Subscription/Lease pricing, see below for information on pricing for other crash reconstruction software program vendors.
Other vendors claim 'no annual fees' yet either rename the product each year or charge annual update fees...why not be honest and simply charge a lease rate?
That's what McHenry Software is doing. Question/Comments please let us know!

Q:(email) Is msmac3D an annual maintenance/subscription?

A: No. We are now a lease based software vendor.

This is mainly so we as a company are not only driven by new sales.
We will not come out with new products or new versions and try to make you upgrade. We believe in providing all our users with the latest and greatest technologies.

Some software companies claim “no annual maintenance” and then never update or enhance the product and either rename it or change the version number or drop the product support.
  • Any of those ways essentially hiding the fact that their users need to pay annually to keep current (aka maintenance) or work with older unsupported programs.

We want to be up front and honest about our belief that it is important that all scientific crash reconstruction and simulation software users immediately have access to any and all improvements, updates, enhancements, extensions and/or corrections.
We also do not want to waste your time or our time trying to support multiple older versions of our product.
  • The folks who say they DON'T CHARGE MAINTENANCE FEES no doubt will have as their first question when you call for TECH support:
    • ‘what version are you using’
      and then say
    • ‘oh that is in the upgrade, update or new version!’
    which will then cost you $1000 to $3000 or more to get it fixed/updated/enhanced.

That is why McHenry Software now has a LEASE program...use the LATEST VERSION ALWAYS when you need IT
msmac3D and msmac2D will be the main two products we sell and market. No new and improved products to make you buy something new.

Hope that answers your question and you understand why we believe it is important to have annual maintenance fees.
Thank you for your interest in McHenry Software.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions or would like further clarification
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Re: Is msmac3D an annual maintenance/subscription?

Post by MSI »

Here's an example of the 'annual update fee' for Pc-Crash.
  • If you are faced with an opponent, would you DARE use an older version of the software and wonder/worry whether the results remain the same?
  • each of the updates have come out approximately annually.
  • NOTE: other vendors like Engineering Dynamics and Virtual Crash, do not post up their pricing (for version changes, etc) or renewal/maintenance costs. All pricing posted is based on amounts quoted from existing/former users.
pc-crash pricing aug 2020.jpg
pc-crash pricing aug 2020.jpg (45.6 KiB) Viewed 12380 times
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Re: Is msmac3D an annual maintenance/subscription?

Post by MSI »

2021: We NOW have LEASE pricing! See msmac3D LEASE Pricing information
  • Main point of LEASE pricing is:
    • we want all users to stay for many years.
    • we want all users to have and use the latest version/technologies/science.
    • we do not want to have to support older versions.
    • we want to mainly support existing users and not desperately need to seek NEW SALES all the time.

Please also let us know if you have any additional questions and check out our FAQ
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Re: Is msmac3D an annual maintenance/subscription?

Post by MSI »

Please see our new Lease Pricing post!
We're changing our pricing structure to lease pricing.
See ORDERING Information for msmac3D/2D, NOW Lease Pricing!
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Re: Is msmac3D an annual maintenance/subscription?

Post by MSI »

minor updates to reduce any confusion
Let us know if any questions!
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Re: Is msmac3D an annual maintenance/subscription?

Post by MSI »

PC-Crash update from 13.1 to 14 apparently has raised the pricing for updates
see below!
pc-crash 14 prcing.jpg
pc-crash 14 prcing.jpg (54.46 KiB) Viewed 10944 times
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Re: Is msmac3D an annual maintenance/subscription?

Post by MSI »

so another update on pc-crash
now 14.1
looking back see the following approximate release dates
  • which as you can see means they CHARGE ANNUAL UPDATE FEES! if you want to stay current with their software!
  • Dec 2019 12.0
  • July 2020 12.1
  • July 2021 13.0
  • July 2022 14.0
  • June 2023 14.1
Each update costing $800 or more to update and yet...
  • NO automation of the 'point and angle of momentum exchange' or any enhancements of the procedure
  • NO refinement or clarification of how to objectively determine the 'point and angle' of momentum exchange

Please see our topic
pc-crash 14.1 pricing.jpg
pc-crash 14.1 pricing.jpg (29.73 KiB) Viewed 9700 times
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Re: Is msmac3D an annual maintenance/subscription?

Post by MSI »

ANd here we go again
June 2024
yet another update and more cost to upgrade
IS THIS NOT a maintenance fee?
2024 pc-crash update pricing.jpg
2024 pc-crash update pricing.jpg (43.06 KiB) Viewed 328 times
and for what?
scientific enhancements?
All graphical stuff which is great but basically hiding their scientific shortcomings behind fancy schmancy graphics.
No scientific progress on the simplified and easily manipulated
Which is applicable to virtual crash and planar impact models

Here's a list of the enhancements
2024 pc-crash list of enhancements.jpg
2024 pc-crash list of enhancements.jpg (177.19 KiB) Viewed 328 times
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