Lawyers keep pumping the negativity against Toyota

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Lawyers keep pumping the negativity against Toyota

Post by MSI »

Mar 11, 2010: CNN story Ex-Toyota lawyer says documents prove company hid damaging information
Apparently jealous over the lack of media attention, Dimirios Biller wants to increase his Billering and so here comes another news feed on him. Timed no doubt by the class action seeking lawyers feeding negative campaigning aganst Toyota to further the possibility of their getting class action status. The story is conveniently times to try to tip the scales back to negativity against Toyota after the Toyota March 8 webcast and the AP story noting the mob mentality surrounding this whole Toyota witch hunt.
Biller is once again claiming skeletons in the closet. Apparently he say's there is a 'book of knowledge' that Toyota keeps which Biller hopes and expects will reap millions for him once it sees the light of day. So why, if Biller knew a judge had ordered all information produced, didn't he produce it? He said he tried but was stopped by a superior who told him, "You have to protect the client at all costs." "Even if that includes," Biller was asked, "committing criminal acts or violating the law?" The answer, Biller said, was yes.
Before leaving Toyota four years ago, Biller had a nervous breakdown caused, he said, by stress. Still, he said, he is confident his e-mails left a trail showing he tried to change Toyota. (his emails showing a trail...So the question is...did he intentionally create the emails to intentionally create a paper trail to be used later to pad his retirement income?)
Biller states: "The documents speak for themselves. I know what happened. I know exactly what happened. I know the names of the people who were responsible for it. I know where the skeletons are hidden
In response to Biller's documents and his allegations, Toyota spokeswoman Cindy Knight released this statement: "Mr. Biller continues to make inaccurate and misleading allegations about Toyota's conduct that we strongly dispute and will continue to fight against vigorously."
See the full story on CNN Ex-Toyota lawyer says documents prove company hid damaging information
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Re: Lawyers keep pumping the negativity against Toyota

Post by MSI »

April 27, 2010: An update on the Dimitrios Biller case: apparently his lawyers want out.
Uh, Look Man ... Renegade Toyota Lawyer's Own Attorney Wants Out
"The present motion to withdraw as counsel of record is necessary because we have been unable to obtain and file an executed version of the Substitution Form I prepared and sent to Biller, and because of the breakdown in the attorney-client relationship which has occurred between our firm, its attorneys, and Biller," Allen wrote in the declaration.
Biller alleges in a whistleblower suit that his supervisors at Toyota regularly ordered him to hide and destroy evidence in rollover cases. He was national managing counsel in charge of Toyota's rollover program from 2003 to 2007.
Biller, who claims that he suffered a mental breakdown while at Toyota, received a $3.7 million severance
I wonder if the lawyers want OUT so they can get IN on some other Toyota action like class action suits, etc. and that representing Biller was a conflict of interest.
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