US Economic Recovery Act: Sue TOYOTA!!

All Things Toyota
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US Economic Recovery Act: Sue TOYOTA!!

Post by MSI »

Mar 12, 2010: OC prosecutor to sue Toyota over vehicle problems
In the continuing interjection of the US government into the Toyota Witch Hunt, Orange County (OC) Prosecutors apparently are planning on a California Economic Recovert Act of their own: Sue Toyota for the continuing problems with their vehicles. Might help the bankrupt state!
Where were these OC clowns 5 or more years ago when GM and Ford had 10,000 or more complaints per year? Why wasn’t a suit filed then? Well because there wasn’t a witch hunt!
I’m not cheerleading for Toyota but this pathetic display of paranoia is inexcusable and diverts attention away from more important issues, particularly more important safety issues!
All this hype is meant to scare the public and whip up hysteria! I mean the latest watershed moment of the guy in San Diego experiencing problems but able to call 911 on a hand held unit (requiring BOTH hands), and after 20 minutes finally stop the vehicle when he actually did what he should have done in the first few moments:
  • apply the brakes,
    put in neutral,
    turn vehicle off.
(I loved the comment by Sikes, the 'face of the problem' since his San Diego 'indicent' that 'he didn't put it in neutral because he thought he'd be rear ended??!! I though he was going 90+ mph??!!)
Orange county coupled with the US Government (owners of competitor to Toyota, GM) are feeding the hype to make everyone paranoid about Toyotas.
See the full story: OC prosecutor to sue Toyota over vehicle problems
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Re: US Economic Recovery Act: Sue TOYOTA!!

Post by MSI »

Mar 21, 2010: Toyota shareholders sue over fallen stock price
So lets get this straight, we got the and NOW we have But wait?
Isn't the drop in stock prices due to all the other lawyer actions??
So i guess the ones who will make the most out of this whole situation will be...
  • lawyers!
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Re: US Economic Recovery Act: Sue TOYOTA!!

Post by MSI »

April 18, 2010: Time to add Insurers to the group using the 'sue Toyota' to bring about the US Economic Recovery!
Insurance companies are gearing up to recoup from Toyota money they paid for claims involving 'alledged' sudden acceleration. And of course it could also mean money back for folks who paid deductables!
As we've pointed out it's BLAME IT ON TOYOTA TIME!
Thanks to the Press and NHTSA; Toyota owners will accept NO responibility for ANYTHING! Speeding? just say 'the Toyota did it'. In a crash: Toyota's fault, of course!
Next up? Other vehicle owners wanting some of the action! maybe the theme will be 'i sped away or ran off the road because a Toyota was in proximity!'

Here's the article
Insurers to recoup Toyota recall crash claims

so to recap...
So lets get this straight, we got the And of course, the ones who will make the most out of this whole situation will be...
  • lawyers!
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