Volvo: Zero Vehicular Fatalities by 2020?

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Volvo: Zero Vehicular Fatalities by 2020?

Post by MSI »

Feb 26, 2010: The soon to be Chinese car company Volvo has (or had, depending on what the new owners say and do) grand safety goals: to eliminate all deaths and serious injuries in its vehicles just 10 years from now!
“Zero is the one and only alternative for us. As the leader in car safety, we can’t accept that people are killed or injured just because they want to transport themselves from A to B,” says Jan Ivarsson, Volvo’s senior manager-safety strategy and requirements.
Studies show that 93% of all accidents involve driver error; texting, tailgating or simply being inattentive.
Designing a vehicle to compensate for driver deficiencies requires complex vehicle electronics.
Those same electronics can take control of the vehicle in an emergency and then there are the legal issues; who's responsible once a vehicle safety system takes over? Well-intentioned safety measures might turn into huge lawsuits as a result of systems failures.
See the full article Zero Fatalities: Can Auto Makers Eliminate Vehicle Deaths By 2020?