May 10, 2024: Update 4.6.1 is uploaded! This lists some of the many enhancements
Items from 4.5.5
- Refinement of NEW Sequential Inputs
- We recently added Sequential Input Tables to permit direct copy/paste of EDR data as inputs fot msmac3D simulations.
- We also enhanced the notices and messaging to clarify how these tables vs the traditional card tables for
- Card Table Inputs Braking/Tractive tables 8 (veh1) & 9 (veh2), and
- card Table Inputs Steer Tables 10 (veh1) & 11 (veh2)
- ) The input tables 8,9,10,11 will ONLY be used when outside the range of times of input in the Sequential Input Tables
- ) At Collision Detection the logic will shift from the NEW Sequential Input Tables to the Card Table inputs
- This is in keeping with the Card Table inputs being used for POST impact
- ) The Input Echo now includes the following messages if Sequential Input Tables present:
- We also enhanced the notices and messaging to clarify how these tables vs the traditional card tables for
- We recently added Sequential Input Tables to permit direct copy/paste of EDR data as inputs fot msmac3D simulations.
- Inputs for Acceleration/Deceleration 2D v 3D
- When comparing 2D v 3D simulation an issue with acceleration was enhanced to make the inputs correlate between 2D v 3D simulations.
- FIRST: In 3D simulation there is an option to set the decel/accel based on static weight or dynamic weight
- for Sequential inputs (below) for Tables 8 & 9 set field 9, set to 1)
- For 3D dynamically applying the decel or accel makes sure dynamic changes in the weight distribution arre accounted for as the vehicle moves on 3D terrain particularly if it pitches and/or rolls. (in 2D there is no pitch or roll)
- for Sequential inputs (below) for Tables 8 & 9 set field 9, set to 1)
- SECOND: In 3D the actual input for fractional percentage decel or accel applied is an applied as a torque.
- So the dynamic rolling radius needs to be considered and for acceleration the effective coefficient of friction needs to be considered.
These differences could make 2D v 3D simulation comparisons slightly different since, for example, if the nominal coefficient of friction was 0.75, a 0.2 G acceleration in 3D would be applied as 0.2 G * 0.75 G friction or 015 Gs
It is recommended (and the defaults are changed) that the braking/acceleration tables (8 & 9) and/or the Suequential input tables ALWAYS use the Dynamic Braking option in 3D by setting it to 1. (for 2D it will make no difference) - So the dynamic rolling radius needs to be considered and for acceleration the effective coefficient of friction needs to be considered.
- Time Shift of Display
- For Point List inputs/animation
when used while comparing simulation (like direct input of pc-crash and virtual crash) we have added a 'time shift to the inputs
you can directly input the time per the output of the other simulation programs and then simply enter a 'time shift' so it can be synched with a msmac3D simulation.
For example, for instantaneous momentum exchange simulation programs the time 0.0 is generally the 'time of maxomum engagement' whereas in msmac3D since we simulate the forces and moments of the entire crash, the actual time of 'maximum engagement' can be at 0.1 to .5 seconds (since we reconmened startign the crash simulation with the vehicles NOT in contact)
- For Point List inputs/animation
- For Point List Inputs/Animation Model Resize Options
- For Point List inputs/animation
Added the option to get dimensions for a model used in point list animation by- manually setting the dimensions
- setting per the specifications database
- setting to a vehicle specifications for a vehicle in an si5 file
- For Point List inputs/animation
- Zoom ALL button
- Simple button to allow you to ZOOM ALL in the graphics overhead view.
You can also, of course, set up to 8 user set views, this is simply to allow quick zoom out to extents.
Feb 13. 2024 Update 4.5.4 uploaded! This lists some of the many enhancements
- Feb 13 see Lence angle addition for better zoom control of camera
- Sequential Inputs for Steer, Braking, Velocity
- New Mouse Functions – Rotate/Pitch with right button
- New Color Picker
- Point List Animation – Display other programs output in msmac3D Graphics
- OR
- Use this Link for msmac3D 4/5/04 Update instructions (usename & password required, register and/or ]contact us for login/password)
- OR
- CONTACT US For a password and/or Get on board with a msmac3D license!
Stay Tuned!
Here's a quick video of some new featuresHere's a recent msmac3D crash reconstruction demonstrating some of the many simulation and graphics capabilities.HOWTO Video to take EDR data and use direct in msmac3D Simulation and create comparison charts and graphics
Update 4.4.1 uploaded! This lists some of the many enhancements
An email has been sent out to ALL McHenry Software Licensees with link to update files so please check your inbox in next day or so
Or,- Interested in the program? Not a McHenry Software Licensee?
- You can now easily use/lease/rent for 3, 6 or 12 months!
no HUGE cash outlay...
See our NEW Lease/Subscription msmac3D offers!
- You can now easily use/lease/rent for 3, 6 or 12 months!
- See the What’s New & TIPS for use? section
- links to many many features
- Sequential Inputs for Steer, Braking, Velocity
- Now have ability to copy/paste to/fro you spreadsheet program and then directly compare the simulation to the EDR data!
See the link above for more information and videos coming soon
- Now have ability to copy/paste to/fro you spreadsheet program and then directly compare the simulation to the EDR data!
- Animation Capabilities
- We want you to be able to quickly illustrate what you think happened with animation
and then
use simulation to test and refine the movement/speeds/etc
- We want you to be able to quickly illustrate what you think happened with animation
- Ease of use of vrml files
- Add many, turn on/off, add grounds too, YOU control which are displayed, which are used for the 3D Simulation surface, etc., etc.
- Quickly compare simulations in the same 3D graphics!
- Easily compare simulations by using the CSV output from ANY simulation
- Collision Summary Button
- Button at bottom of the screenSimply click on it, and the summary is displayed
- Button at bottom of the screen
- Reverse Gear
See the What’s New & TIPS for use? section - Simple button to allow you to ZOOM ALL in the graphics overhead view.